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Prelude: What is "Type"?


“类型”本质上就是一系列推导规则引申出来的二元关系(关系符号就是 :

  • 如上图,这就是 type 的一个推导规则。



  1. Uniqueness of types: each term t has at most one type, i.e. if t is typable, then its type is unique
    • To be more concise, relation : is a partial function from terms to types
  2. Safety: well-typed terms don't "go wrong", i.e. 经过若干步的 evaluation 之后,一定会 evaluate to some value
    • Lemma 1 (Progress): A well-typed term is not stuck (either it is a value or it can take a step according to the evaluation rules).
      • 说人话:如果是 well-typed,要么已经是 value,要么可以再走一步
    • Lemma 2 (Preservation): If a well-typed term takes a step of evaluation, then the resulting term is also well typed.
      • 说人话:如果是 well-typed 且可以再走一步,那么必然也是 well-typed
      • 另外:对于我们这个不涉及 sub-typing 的简单类型系统,实际上还有更强的结论:the resulting term has the same type as the previous term

Example: Boolean

我们在这个 lambda calculus 中,只用到 boolean。

  • 其中,\(\Gamma\) 就是 context
An example of type derivation

Erasure of types

如果将一个 typed lambda calculus 的类型抹去,那么就可以变成 untyped lambda calculus,而且满足:

  • 必然最终可以 evaluate to some value

Definition: A term m in the untyped lambda-calculus is said to be typable in λ if there are some simply typed term t, type T, and context Γ such that erase(t) = m and Γ ⊢ t : T.

  • 解释:对于某个 untyped lambda calculus,如果存在一个 typed lambda calculus,抹去其类型之后,就等于这个 untyped,那么这个 untyped 必然是一个“好的”函数。